Renewable energies are not perfect–they are intermittent sources that cannot produce energy on demand. Instead, when they are producing energy for the grid, they do so at an extremely low cost. Our grid must be able to utilize these renewable resources when they are plentiful or store the energy for when it is in greater demand. Energy storage facilities store this excess energy when it is in high supply and discharge it when it is in high demand. Batteries can help the power grid levelize these daily peaks in energy usage and production to streamline the energy market.

Energy Storage Systems are central to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy sources, including solar installations. By storing excess energy generated during peak production periods, BESS ensures a steady power supply even when renewable sources are intermittent, making them more dependable and cost-effective. This integration smooths out the variability of renewables, maintaining the reliability we expect from our power grid. 

BESS helps to bridge the gap between traditional energy suppliers and modern renewables. These systems help to regulate the power supply and provide for backup resources to help prevent outages, increasing efficiency and reliability. Furthermore, BESS installations are designed to accommodate new and improved battery options seamlessly, ensuring that the technology used remains cutting edge and efficient. This flexibility goes to further support the growth of renewable energy ensuring it remains reliable and efficient. 


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