Consumers deserve redundancy in the electric grid, and batteries provide an extra layer of security when power supply is interrupted. We ask a lot of our grid and we expect 24/7/365 power at low costs. Building in battery systems that help to ensure instantaneous, constant power at peak demand or during a weather event helps to secure our power supply. Energy storage systems increase the resilience of the grid and have been a valuable aspect of our energy portfolio for decades.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are transforming our approach to energy security and grid resilience. By storing excess power from various sources including domestic renewable, BESS reduces reliance on foreign energy imports and protects against supply disruptions. This technology not only enhances grid reliability during emergencies but also strengthens national security by minimizing vulnerability to global energy market changes. Whether changing due to emergencies, natural disasters, or other forces, BESS installations help to give Americans confidence that their grid and power is secure.

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